New Length

Paris Fashinweek day 1

Paris Fashinweek day 1

Alright, so the shape of these pants is not entirely new. We have seen many cropped trousers already last season, but I haven’t noticed just this type of wider cropped denim cut before and I will say I’m charmed.

Charmed by the fact that they do look a bit ‘off’ or ‘funny’, but somehow they work and just look a lot of fun and create an interesting break to a simple look. Quite a few girls were seen this season wearing these and I love the fact that they are H&M Trend.

Most clothes featured on this blog are pricy I will admit, I love when I find something more accessible that I would love to wear just as much as a designer piece. Closed denim makes a similar pair, and I am sure there are even more options out there.

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