Happy New Year

Happy New Year ! and I am back finally …

What can I say, I was all of a sudden overloaded with fun but overwhelming photo assignments, then I was in Marocco for some christmas holiday with my mom and since then I could just be lazy and sleep all the time. ‘Snap out of it’ I’m telling myself, the start of the New Year should be full of energy, well not here, not yet, enjoying the calm and the laziness (soon to end, Berlin Fashionweek starting next week).

This photo was taken in the garden of La Mamounia, the famous Marrakech Hotel where I would love to stay on another trip to Marocco if I can afford it, for now we enjoyed an expensive coffee and walk through the garden, it was totally worth it. We stayed almost one week in Marrakech, it was wild, crowded, lively, a total culture shock but also very beautiful and inspiring.

My wishes for the New Year ? Focusing on the things that make me happy, being less stressed and more vacations of course … and a pair of Valentino shoes maybe ?